One inch. The wind was from right, 3.7mph with gusts to 13.67mph. The windage table for a 5.56 round shows 1” of deflection. A gust of wind changed history.
Yesterday’s assassination attempt on President Trump makes two things abundantly clear. First, that the “Great Man” theory of history is unequivocally true. Second, resentful, evil, and ugly people have just as much power to change the course of history as the “great man”. It is our duty to uphold the latter while destroying the possibility of the former.
Divine Wind
American politics is a long and drawn-out story of politically entrenched, corrupt, morally broken, and conniving men, being thwarted and displaced by the rare individuals who find a capacity for greatness: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, to name only a few.
These men represented the curdling energy of the populace, not the interests of the establishment which turned the gears and thought about political opportunity on a selfish, decades-long scale. There is enough evidence at this point to confidently say that John F. Kennedy was killed by the Central Intelligence Agency in response to his threats to defund and disrupt their centralized power. Alternatively, Theodore Roosevelt assumed the Presidency as an outsider in the aftermath of William McKinley’s assassination and fought the entrenched power of the colossal railroad and oil trusts gauging American industry and innovation.
Great Men of history are uniquely positioned for a particular moment. Personal history, bad habits, or character traits are largely irrelevant. What matters — what has always mattered — is their vision and energy. A sense of divine timing that acclimates them to the particular moment of time and place. The merging of a worldview with vitalism and a sense of destiny that inoculates them from the whispers of snakes and other bad actors who have been put into place to protect the bureaucratic regime.
Trump is one of those individuals. Yesterday’s events confirm this beyond doubtYou may disagree with his policies, but you cannot deny this fact. Here are the facts. Trump’s political opponents have attempted to sabotage his candidacy through political maneuvering, lawfare, asset seizure — and now — assassination.
Trump’s reaction after the attempt at his life, shows that he is aware of this aura, and like great men of the past, he understands that now he must lean into it more than ever.
As with all great men, attempts from weaker individuals to cut them down at the legs only enhance and expand their power. We are in a time of realpolitik. We can daydream about the outcomes or circumstances that we desire as prerequisites for change, or we can look at reality as it is. Politics is a simple game. Your enemy is doing whatever they can to take power and influence for themselves. You can let the world “happen” to you, or you can respond in force.
You aren’t going to get your perfect candidate. You aren’t going to find an untarnished individual. You must make a choice that is pragmatic and measured through your interpretation and thoughtful analysis of the problems your nation and culture face. This requires, on an instinctual level, the merging of the left and right brains. On one hand, you have to consider the implications of policy decisions. On the other, you have to trust your gut. You have to turn off the side of your mind looking for a perfect answer and think clearly about the energy that a candidate harnesses.
The “Lone” Gunman
At this point, we have enough information about the deceased shooter to know that he fits a very predictable archetype. Twenty-year-old, Thomas Matthew Crooks was an ugly loner and social outcast. He was a registered Republican but donated to the left-progressive Turnout Project in 2021. A video, taken from the shooter’s now deleted TikTok account, shows Crooks screaming about hating Republicans and wanting to cut their throats. Classmates described him as wearing camouflage gear and a facemask to school each day. He attempted to join the school shooting club but was kicked out because of his lack of discipline, training, and skill.
We will, of course, learn more about this young man in the coming days and weeks, but the initial facts show an individual we’re all familiar with. A young man whose mind had been poisoned and consumed by resentment and rage. A young man looking to propel himself from the dregs of society into something that would approximate — in his eyes — a hero.
Emerging simultaneously, as the persevering and rare great man, so moves the disdainful cretin; the archetype of Satan’s jealousy and anger. Your enemy isn’t in the shadows anymore. Crook’s may have been the one to take the shots, but he didn’t act alone. In the immediate aftermath of the attempt on the President’s life, and the murder of crowd member Corey Comperatore, the “normal and well-adjusted” people we share our country with took to social media to vent their outrage that the bullet hadn’t pierced Trump’s skull. This is not surprising. For the last eight years, every major institution in the United States has decried Trump as the second coming of Hitler. To anyone who has maintained any modicum of sanity or rationality, you know this comparison is facile, juvenile, and completely divorced from facts. This is what nearly ended the President’s life last night.
There is a major energy shift in the air. We are on an upward positive trending timeline. We’re starting to see what we’re fighting. And those of you who have made sitting on the fence an identity for the past eight years now have a choice to make. This country is not being destroyed, it’s being killed on purpose. And the people doing the killing have names and addresses just like you and I. This is a call for awareness, not violence. It’s time to stop pretending that there will be any sense of normalcy in the United States in the next four years. You have a conscious part to play in whatever timeline we enter into next.
As always, thanks for reading