Jun 22Liked by Joe Gillespie

Joe thanks for writing this article. You managed to paint the bigger picture of the ever changing rainbow religion. When you take a step back and see how hideous this spiritual plague is its truly terrifying. Ay God help those poor confused souls who have been led astray by Satan and his minions.

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Thank you Joseph. I'm cautiously optimistic that people are waking up to the reality of this

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Jun 22Liked by Joe Gillespie

All of Critical Theory (and Marxism in general) is a gnostic faith: abolishing worldly distinctions to reunify the world in the pleuromic oneness… but Queer Theory is the most radical and unsettling because it concerns itself with normalcy and sex and sexuality… and children.



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Absolutely. Thanks for linking those pieces I'll check them out

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Jun 22Liked by Joe Gillespie

I’m trying to research and write a piece about the oddly intertwined natures of early Critical Theoey and pro-pedophilia ideas but it’s a bit wearing on my mental health. For one thing these are some depraved and monstrous people (almost demonic in their love of social subversion)… and they’re also impenetrable, near-meaningless writers. Foucault was by far the best writer but probably the worst person, raping North African boys in their family cemeteries. Some of it is jargon and the challenges of French and German translations but I’m pretty sure it’s 80% bullshit.

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Man... I don't envy this rabbit hole you're going down.

The jargon is hard to push through. Their actions speak louder than words

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